Red Light - Safe - Web Slider D
Graphic of Data Integration wheels
Red Light - Safe - Web Slider D
Graphic of Data Integration wheels


Vision and Mission

Hitecsec’s vision is to Create Safer Communities for our Families.

Hitecsec's mission is to provide non-complex solutions that help organizations to make better use of technology.

Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety solutions put innovative, cutting edge technology in your toolbox automating traffic enforcing, monitoring, education and data collection.

Public Safety

Public Safety solutions give you the game-changing, real-time ability to track and monitor criminals and suspicious vehicles throughout your community.

Integrated Solutions

Integrated Solutions are customized to bring your data together to increase productivity, accuracy, and visibility across platforms and departments.

Our Solutions Help to Solve this Worldwide Epidemic


Non-Fatal Traffic Injuries/Year


Traffic Fatalities/Year


Homicides in 2017


Speed is one of the biggest determinants in whether an accident results in a serious injury or fatality, and reducing speeds to the posted speed limits in school zones will...


Speed enforcement issues with vehicles driven over the speed limit are a problem all around the world – particularly in zones where people are either nearby or crossing the road....


PROTECT PEDESTRIANS WITH HITECSEC’S CROSSWALK – SAFE DESIGNED TO IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Impatient drivers constantly risk the safety and security of pedestrians. They speed through crosswalks, often inches from innocent...


Red light running creates considerable risk of dangerous intersection collisions and pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to vehicles ignoring the red light signal. Our red light camera enforcement, RedLight-Safe System, relies...


ENHANCE BOTH DRIVER AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY WITH STOPSIGN-SAFE! Stop means Stop! Hundreds of thousands of crashes occur at stop signs every year, most of which are avoidable. Drivers who choose...


PREVENT RAIL-RELATED FATALITIES BY EDUCATING DRIVERS WITH RAILROAD-SAFE Railroad-Safe detects drivers who fail to heed the warning signals and pass through the crossing gates when trains are near. According to...
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